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AC Repair: Signs That Air Conditioner Repair Is Needed Econo Air Is Here For You

The days are getting longer and temperatures are getting warmer in Southern California, which means you’re going to be counting on your air conditioner to remain comfortable. The more you utilize your air conditioner, the greater the chance you’ll behave to depend upon AC repair. Group of people sweating in meeting

We have a few warning signs to look out for and some tips to let you know when it’s crucial to call in the experienced technicians from Econo Air to arrange air conditioner service.

  • Air from vents isn’t cold – This is probably the most notable indication that your air conditioner is in need of repair. The first thing you’ll want to do is check your thermostat fan setting and confirm that it’s set to “auto” rather than “on”. If it’s set to “on” your AC will steadily blow air even if it’s not presently being cooled. If your air conditioner is set to “auto” and it isn’t able to achieve the temperature set on your thermostat, that is a sign that it’s time to call and get it checked out.
  • Decreased air flow – This issue isn’t as easy to spot as the previous, but if you think the air coming from your vents isn’t flowing as strongly as it had previously, there could be a concern. If you haven’t changed your air filter recently, that would be the first place to check, your problem could be as straightforward as a dirty air filter. If that’s not the case and you’re still experiencing troubles, you’ll want to call the professionals at Econo Air.
  • Strange sounds – Weird noises emerging from your air conditioner isn’t a good sign. If you hear any clinking or rattling coming from your air conditioner, putting on headphones so you can’t hear the sounds isn’t going to fix the problem. The moving parts within your air conditioner are capable of becoming loose through wear and tear and will have to be corrected by a professional.

Try to be cognizant of how your air conditioner sounds and functions when it’s running well. This will make it easier to catch when things aren’t running properly.

Keeping up with regular maintenance is another way to diagnose any minor problems before they become major problems. If you haven’t yet made your annual maintenance appointment with Econo Air, now is an excellent time.

If you’ve observed any signs that your air conditioner requires repair give Econo Air a call at 714-710-1070. You can also set up an appointment with us online using our contact form.

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