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Air Filtration: The Unsung Hero of Seasonal Allergies Econo Air Is Here For You

It’s difficult to enjoy the shift in seasons when they bring about bothersome seasonal allergies. While you might think accumulating antihistamines is the solution, air filtration might be just what the doctor ordered. No matter if it’s ragweed, pollen, dust or pet dander, there’s no reason for you to fight for fresh air in your own home. The team at Econo Air has the answer that will work for you and your home comfort needs.Seasonal Allergies

With Lennox®, air filtration exceeds the filter you’re changing regularly. Our Healthy Climate Air Cleaners give you a whole-home solution to combat allergens. If anyone in your home is suffering from allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems, our air filtration system removes at least 95% of allergy-aggravating particles from your home’s air, which will help you breathe easy.

Your traditional air filter is the first line of defense in the war against indoor air quality issues. There are numerous different filter options out there, but the experts at Econo Air suggest using filtration down to 0.3 microns which are used in hospitals.

We understand there are many indoor air quality products out there to select from to help combat indoor allergens. The pros at Econo Air will work with you to find which system will work for your home and your budget.

We look forward to working with you to make your home as comfortable as possible. We recognize how troublesome seasonal allergies can be, particularly in Southern California, and we know the positive impact that an air filtration system can have on both your health and your comfort. When you decide to get serious about indoor air quality and fight those allergies full-force, give Econo Air a call at 714-710-1070. Or we have a contact form if that’s more convenient.

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