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Why Does Your Air Conditioner Smell When You Turn It On? Econo Air Is Here For You

The weather is getting colder in Southern California and we’ll probably be reducing the use of our air conditioners. This fall period we get many air Little boy covering nose with bed sheetconditioner repair calls from homeowners expressing that they smell something when their air conditioner turns on for the first time in a while. It’s likely that your air conditioner hasn’t been operating for a little while. In that time, dust may have gathered inside your system. The first time you activate your air conditioner, that dust will get cleaned out. The smell from this will travel through your ducts throughout your house. This doesn’t usually pose any sort of hazard and the smell will typically go away after a little bit. However, if the odor does not diminish after a while, please inform one of our experts.

Another reason you could be smelling an odor from your air conditioner is that your air filter might have gotten obstructed. This can cause your blower motor to become overworked and could cause the motor, and/or the air conditioner to overheat.

Your air conditioner is going to be a key part of your life even during this winter season. If you haven’t yet scheduled your annual air conditioner repair, now is the occasion. Our professionals will ensure your system is operating securely and clean the internal components before you have to fret about a burning odor. Give us a call at 714-710-1070 or set up an appointment with us using our online contact form.

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